Monday, May 27, 2024

Result day

After months of waiting, today is the day. SPM result day!!! And what a relief to know that my eldest passed her 2023 SPM exam with good grades. 6 A+, 3 A and 1 B. Congratulations to her. We are so proud of her.

After closed our coffee shop this afternoon, hubby and I brought Jan to her school to collect her certificates and other documents. Then the three of us went to Little Sushi in Pines Square for a little celebration meal. 

It was late afternoon so the place wasn't that full. We placed order on the order chit and passed to the waitress. In the past, we used to order through the online app but now they implemented ordering through chit. Maybe not all customers are familiar with online ordering or much prefer physical menu and writing down their order. 

Sakura blossom, cold green tea and iced Ribena

This was the first time I tried its cocktail. I had one that was called Sakura Blossom. RM9.80 per glass, which was not too sweet, it was alright to quench my thirst. 

It was mostly my girl's call to order whatever she wanted since this meal was for her. She started off with fried hotate (RM10.90). Then this taco set which was rather enticing and addictive with the crispy fried seaweed wrap. Our taco set was RM65 with 5 different toppings.

My man wanted sashimi so he ordered few different sashimi platters to share among us. The first one was maguro sashimi (RM17.60), salmon sashimi (RM18.60) and Ika Sashimi (RM17.60). 
The sashimi platter

These 2 rolls were unagi temaki and soft shell crab temaki, which Jan and my man requested. RM10.60 each.  

Of course we did not missed out on ordering some sushi for ourselves. We had Fuku set for RM41.60.

This Sakana roll RM16.60 was rather good and fresh. Something we never ordered and tasted in the past. Using fish slices as the roll, it was tasty. I hardly used any dipping when having this roll. I like eating the raw fish or sashimi as it is without dipping. 

Lastly on our order list was this deep fried soft shell crabs (RM14.60). My favourite, I had to admit. Do you like soft shell crabs? 

Our nice and tasty late afternoon meal before we headed home. 


  1. Congratulations to Jan! So will she study form 6 and sit for stpm or will she study pre u and enter college straight away or do A levels?

    1. Ah, so Jan is going to sit for STPM next. All the best! 🙂

  2. That looks like a really good meal! Congratulations to your daughter!

  3. Congratulations! Does this mean she is off to college now?

  4. Congrats to Jan! Nice Japanese food to celebrate!

  5. Congrats to Jan. You are making me have craving for sushi again. The only sashimi I eat is salmon and no to unagi too, hee hee.

    I googled for Form 6 in Malaysian Educational System is Pre-university program which is equivalent to A Levels. Correct me if I am wrong.

    And the minimum age to get a driving license in Malaysia is 16 for motorcycle licenses and 17 for car licenses. In SG, the minimum age is 18. And for licenses we classify them as class 3, 3A for manual or auto cars instead of naming them class A, B, C, etc.

  6. Congrats to Jan! She is a very clever girl! Truly a deserving lavish lunch to celebrate her success.

  7. Congratulations to your girl, what great results! I could recall my own kids taking their results, more than a decade ago.. LOL.. anyway, all the best to her!

  8. Congratulations!!! Time sure flies! All the best in what lies ahead!
