We started our road trip to Sibu around 7.30am on Wednesday morning. Our first stop was Betong for our lunch around 10 something. The kids were pretty obedient; Baby Jay looking out from the window, curious with our whereabout. He was very quiet, probably wondering where we were heading at such early hours and woke him up from his beauty sleep. Lol! As for my girl, she has her iPad and nothing will bother her.
We reached the toll around 1.30pm. After paying RM5, we heading to the Sibu town.

Before this bridge was built, visitors have to wait for ferries which may take hours.

The arch of Sibu welcoming us in the city area.

First thing I notice when I stepped into Sibu was a lot of pigeons. Or maybe Rejang Park has lots of pigeons there??

Yes, Rejang Park a lot of pigeons. The people at the shops feed them regularly. But that day I took my West Malaysian friend there to take photos - so few...all hiding as it was 12 noon - so very hot.
Ok ok! I only worry about the shit drops when the birds fly over our heads! hahaha! My boy enjoyed chasing after them :p
Must be a nice trip. Btw, pegion's poo is very poison...
Yes, Angeline. The poo is poisonous.
The kids can wake up so early in the morning!
Rejang Park is the new Trafalgar Square .. now pigeons all over the world will converge there this Dec. lol.
Mnhl, my girl sure can, cos she has been waiting for the trip so long. As for my boy, got to wake him up. You know lah, sleepy kid sure grumpy but after few minutes, he was fine. Lol!
Coffee girl, is it?? Then, it must be a big flock of pigeons there in Dec every year?
Baby Jay sit so 'guai', next time can try drive to Miri lo..:)
Ivynana, my hubby has that plan already! Lol! I don't know I can last that long or not! hahaha!
Yalor..with the pegion look like Sibu in London ...London in Sibu..hehehe
Hi Rose.., do u the big bikers too? Actually i just want to survey the sibu toll rate luckily have in your blog..very useful your info
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