I am young enough to remember my wonderful teens and old enough (wiser?) to know what my parents have been through and before long, I will find myself in their shoes, going into mid-life then to golden years. Gosh! Now I am thinking way to far ahead. But don't get too sentimental here. The point here is that how we might stay young - no matter what age you are.
1. Exercise
It keeps your body re-charge and stay young and healthy. Brisk walking, swimming or hitting the gym does wonder.
2. Keep learning.
We are never too old to learn and we will never stop learning. Keep your brain young by learning new things or taking a class (cooking, baking, sewing, language etc). Discover a new hobby for continual learning.
3. Connect with friends
Old friends are hard to find and keep. Go for a lunch date with friends, or do something together.
4. Mixing with younger people
I have a friend in her 50s. Most of her friends are either in their 20s or 30s. She said she does not have much friends of same age as her because they think and act like old people. *wink* This friend will never grow old as she dressed younger than her age and she well liked among her younger friends.
Children makes you stay younger. They are full of energy. Spend times with your chldren, either making some craft or arts, play computer games or having fun in the playground or beach.

6. Laugh
Laugh is the best medicine. Cultivate our sense of humour in our lives.
7. Spend times outdoor
Nature is rejuvenating. Fresh air, sunshine and sound of nature are stimulating and naturally you tend to be active when you are outdoor.
8. Maintain positive mindset
Old people tend to be bitter and love to nag and critise. Avoid being old and bitter. Have a positive and enthusiastic attitude. It is powerful tool to stay younger.
And I would like to add another tip,or two,,,,cut down on rice and have good and loving relationship with loved ones.......
and have a drink or two once a while,,,,thanks for the tips,,
forever young,I want to live, forever young,do you really want to be,forever young?
proper nutrition too..
smile often.
and keep some of the baby fat to maintain the young-look. :-) a lil bit of chubbiness is attractive and makes you look way younger than your thinner peers.
Interesting. What a fun post to read :)
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