Monday, March 27, 2017

What we've been up to

We did not go anywhere special last week's school holiday. Weather was exceptionally hot due to Equinox phenomena.

However I did brought the kids out for breakfast on certain days; other than their normal tuition classes and enrichment classes. Other time, we stayed indoor.

Jamie had holiday homework to do. He is picking up on writing. We found out that he is an ambidextral as he uses both hands to write. Since started school this year, he prefers to write with his right but sometimes he will switch to left hand. He does the same when in school so the teachers and I encourage him to use both whichever he wants.

One morning we went to this Top 10 Food Court in Jalan Song for breakfast. Whenever I came here, I must have its fish meat mihun soup. RM8.50 per bowl for this fresh fish fillets and mihun. It never failed to reach up to my expectation. I really enjoyed its sourish clear broth.

On the same day, I went for my much needed hair cut.  I love it. Short and easy to manage on such warm day. *wink*

Of course I would love to follow my hubby to his oversea convention; under different weather. A much cooler climate but alas. Not meant to be. Hubby is currently in Amsterdam; enjoying himself in the cool winter days. 

Ok, time to log out from here. School has begun this week so it is all busy, busy and busy again.


sherry said...

yeah so fast school holidays over. wow he can write with both hands that good.

Small Kucing said...

ya lor... crazy weather nowadays. So hot then suddenly rain. my plants also become confused.

Lovely fish noodles. very appetising

mun said...

You are looking good! Wow! Jamie can use both hands. Good to encourage him to continue to use both hands so that both sides of his brain get used.

Reanaclaire said...

Great bonding with the kids... I can understand how it is to bring up 3 schooling kids.. Can be very handful but worth having quality time with them! Thumbs Up to you...

suituapui said...

Ahhhh!!! I just had my haircut today, nothing special, old man - always the same style, never change. Same with us here too, did not go anywhere - last post on the holidays in my blog tomorrow.

lina said...

Nice haircut.

I need one myself too.

PH said...

I like your hairstyle. Simple and nice. Yes, the weather is too hot :(

Nancy Chan said...

1 week school holiday is just too short. The fish meat mihun looks good. I too need a hair cut.

Unknown said...

New hair cut look young Rose.

Blackswan said...

Very pretty hair cut, dear! xoxo

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Nice hair cut...

Lotus said...

I like your photo, you look so fair and pretty

Sharon D. said...

I love the haircut ..makes you look fresh and lively :D