Friday, June 11, 2021


It has been almost a year since our last (and first visit) to this food court for the Bishopgate noodle.

It was a Saturday, I woke up late. Late here, means around 730am. So after both of us were ready, we drove all the way here to buy takeaway. 

It wasn't total lockdown here, just the first day of MCO in Sarawak. Streets still have cars but the traffic was smooth so we reached this Abundance Food Centre in a quick time. 

Luckily no queue in front of The Big Fat Aunty Noodle (renamed), so the young couple did my order quickly. 

We had 3 sets of the mixed pork soup plus plain noodle.  We did not touch the cili padi in the light soy sauce dipping as the sauce was slightly hot from the chillies. 

Mild taste soup, must take it promptly to enjoy the warm soup. 

We also order 3 extra plain noodles, so total was RM36 for our order. 

While I was waiting for the noodle at the shop, I bought some bak chang from the kuih stall. I did mentiined in my previoys post that this food court was opened by an ex-colleague of hubby. The drink and kuih stalls also managed by her. 

It so happened I bumped into her that morning and she told me the Nyonya chang was made by another ex-colleague, which we bought and tasted before. So, of course I must buy some back. 

The price for Nyonya chang was still RM2.50 (left). The kuih stall also sell Hakka peanut chang (RM4), so being a Hakka myself, I like that too. I also bought few to try. 3 Hakka chang (right) and 3 slightly smaller Nyonya chang to commemorate Dumpling Festival which falls on 14 June this year. 

Want to know how Nyonya and Hakka chang look like, check out from my old post.


mun said...

I have not eaten any Bak chang with peanuts in them. I think maybe I try to find in kl where I can buy Bak chang with peanuts in them to try them out. How many km is this food court from your place? Must be a long drive by how you describe it.

Rose world said...

Not that far, just that road was quite busy with cars. About 2Km away

suituapui said...

Oooo...I miss kolo mee with the cheng cheng the ones at Kim Joo & Noodle Descendants. Dunno when I shall ever get to eat them again.

Nyonya chang good? So far I only know the old lady at Green Road, a lady named Irene who was at Chong Choon, now at 101...and a Filipino lady - the good ones, they say but I did buy some from Kenyalang Park market, upstairs long ago, also very nice.

Nux V said...

I haven't try any Hakka peanut chang....not sure if it is sold here or not.

Reanaclaire said...

Yes, I heard that Hokkien also make with peanuts, at least one Hokkien family I know... so Hakka bah chang also has peanuts... I will like them, I am sure! I still have a few frozen changs in my freezer...

Twilight Man said...

The streets in KL is so empty everywhere yet the highest daily numbers is Selangor. I really cannot understand this Covid.

I have eaten the first Bak Chang today which is powered with so many yummy ingredients. Costs RM7.00 satu.

mun said...

Ok, thanks for the reply. 2 km is within food panda delivery distance of 5 km.

PH said...

I wonder if I will get to eat any bak chang this year. I know I ate a lot last year. LOL!

Lotus said...

Oh so Hakka Chang is with peanuts, wonder if we can get them here in SG.

Nancy Chan said...

I love bak chang, any type will do for me.

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