Saturday, August 15, 2015

Came for this

I never intended to visit Kuching Fest this year. The thought of finding parking, walking along the long stretch to the venue and fighting and squeezing with sweaty people for food and seats! Nothing really fancy or attracting me to join the crowd initially till I got a call on Monday morning from hubby's cousin. 

What a surprise!! My handphone rang and I saw the name was hubby's gu gu (this aunt helped to look after Jamie when we were in Sibu). So we chatted for a while before gu zhang passed the phone to his daughter who stated her intention to visit Kuching Fest. So I invited her and her 2 younger brothers to stay with us for few days and they came by express from Sibu on Thursday.

Once they stepped onto the Kuching soil, we directly went to the city centre to visit the Kuching Fest.

We were there very early; slightly after 5pm where most stalls were just started or not even open yet.

We made a round and bought some food that we fancied and found a table to enjoy our food.

Found this interesting stall selling nitrogen ice cream so we bought 2 flavours to try. Strawberry and bubblegum for RM5.00 each.

My strawberry boy

At least the ice cream can keep the kids quiet down for a moment while we walked and browsed through the stalls.

Some of the food that we have....
White Rajah burger (chicken and chives) for RM10 from the above stall

Hubby bought these pork satays

Taiwan sandwich

Oh chien

After filling up our tummies, we had a walk in the landscape garden.


Beautiful flower beds on both side of the path

Fishes in the pond

Man-made stream

The stage overlooking the lake

We were there for 2 hours. Did not go to the fun fair as it would be wasting our money there. We purposely tried to avoid that section. *wink wink* But the older 2 did get to row some boats before we called it a night!!

Row, row, row your boat

And Kuching Fest is here for another week before they closed on 23 August. So, hop over and join in the crowd. More food stalls this year round from what I observed but not every food is nice. 


Linda said...

It looks like a great festival, Rose! :)

Nancy Chan said...

Looks interesting. I would love to visit the landscape garden for sure. The lake view is beautiful. Oh your kids didn't know about the fun fair? Or they were happy with the rowing of boats and forgot about the fun!

Merryn said...

Interesting. It's been a while since I last went to any fair. The kids sure are happy to be rowing the boat :D

Lotus said...

Looks so interesting, so many things to eat, see and buy, I would love to visit this if I am in Malaysia

Anonymous said...

Why you did not invite me leh? I would want to go too! Hehehehehe!!!

Sharon D. said...

What a lovely outing - food and family, most heartwarming. The landscape garden is beautiful. I wish it weren't so far away so that I can pop over for a walk anytime.

Blackswan said...

Certainly love to try the bubblegum ice-cream. Wonder how it tastes like :D

Agnes CF Lee said...

Is it an annual affair? me too trying to avoid crowded places especially bringing children along but it is actually good to walk about and look for something nice to eat, for the kids to see new things.

Princess Ribbon said...

Yep, I agree ice cream can make kids quiet for a moment.. When there's ice cream or Vitagen, the kids will be quiet already, haha..

Somewhere in Singapore said...

If i am there, i will sure visit the Kuching Fest...

mun said...

Kuching Fest looks really worth visiting!