Wednesday, July 24, 2024

My favourites

One of my favourite chicken rice was from this coffee shop in Green Road. Used to patronise the chicken rice stall in the past when my girl was in her early secondary school days. We usually had our early lunch before she was off for her afternoon session. 

Not long ago, both of us went to the coffee shop as we needed to wait for Jay to finish his curriculum in Friday. She finished her Form 6 class at 1145am, while Jay finished his activity at 1230pm. So we decided to have our lunch here.

Jan went for fried chicken rice while I settled with steamed chicken rice. RM7 each. We also bought 2 packs for the boys. 

I liked the chilli dipping. Really nice to take with steamed chicken. The fried chicken was good enough as the skin was well seasoned. 

After we were done with our lunch, we went back to our car, to hid away from the scorching afternoon heat. It has been super hot these past weeks. Really unbearable. 


Angie's Recipes said...

The chicken looks really succulent!

mun said...

From the photo, the fried chicken looks like roast chicken but the photo is quite small so I cannot see clearly.

suituapui said...

Indeed! It is so unbearably hot these days!!! Otherwise we would get some freaky stormy weather. Terrible! I would rather have it hot!

Nux V said...

It's super hot here too in KL, don't feel like going out at all...but it is also stuffy at home. The Form 6 class ended before noon? I thought it follow the school hours session.

Lotus said...

It's the same in Sg. 34 degrees celsius on most days. But feel like 36. I wonder how the future generations is going to take it.

Steamed white hainanese chicken rice is always my favourite and my default lunch or dinner.

Lotus said...

The chicken looks good.

PH said...

I would say that chicken rice is my all time favorite especially served with steamed chicken.