Monday, June 3, 2024

Pork platter

I was craving for pork leg rice one evening, so together with hubby and Jan, we went to this food court opposite Emart Batu Kawa for dinner.

First time ordering from the pork leg rice stall. Taste wise, it was alright. Not as authentic or that taste I loved growing up. It was decent enough. 

Both was around RM30 with rice. 


  1. I absolutely love pork legs! Those eggs are looking good too.

  2. good to replenish collagen with these pork legs!

  3. My uncle and auntie love braised pork trotters or pork legs a lot. There is a stall in my neighbourhood Food Centre that sells bkt and braised pork legs rice.

  4. Yumssss!!! I wish we had that here!

  5. I like the braised egg. Yummy! 😋 Pork leg I just eat the meat and give my spouse all the skin.
