Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Icy fruit popsicles

It is mid-week so I am not going to bore you with lenghty post.

There is one stall that recently opened in emart Batu Kawa. A fresh fruit popsicles stall. I did nor get to try it till last Saturday. 

The kids had rehearsal for their church repertoire that evening. From 6 to 830pm. So with my man, we went to emart for our grocery shopping. Sound like a pratical Saturday night date with my other half, right? Lol.

Anyway we did our shopping and my other half had his monthly hair cut. As we were about to leave the premises, we spotted the popsicle stall. Few people surrounded the stall. Business must be good, considering the hot spell we are having. 

So out of curiosity, both of us approached the stall and checked out its produce. 

RM4 for fresh fruit popsicles. Well, we could not resist and we still had time for some icy fruit popsicles before went to pick up the kids. 

Watermelon kiwi for me while my man had passionfruit popsicle. Pardon his popsicle as he bit into it before my camera could do so. Lol. 

Yummy and sweet treat. The taste of real fruit in every bites. We would not mind having it once in a while. 


  1. Wow! Wow! I love these fresh fruit popsicles! They are colourful and attractive.

  2. We have one very enterprising young man, Hans, making these - the fruit and vegetable shop near my house. RM4 for mango and avocado, RM3 for other fruits and flavours. How much did you pay for yours?

  3. The fresh fruit popsicles look so refreshing!

  4. Those fruity popsicles look very nice. I would love to try one.

  5. So pretty! We can do this at home too.

  6. I would welcome these popsicles on a hot day!

  7. I would love to have a kiwi popsicle ice cream, please!

  8. Looks interesting. Better than those over sweeten big brand ice cream.

  9. I would not mind to have 2 or more fresh fruit popsicles during the hot day
