Friday, July 5, 2019

Pass the time

It started with hubby who tried to instill a new hobby in me. He bought few 3D puzzles home and has been busy with one in his room.

Out of curiosity, I tried out one early this week. He handed me the simple puzzle. Ok, I never good with such thing but it kinds of fun and challenging at the same time. I am always the kind of person to challenge my limit.

So an hour passed and I succeed!! My very first 3D puzzle. A wooden house.

Yay! Actually I finished it in less than an hour.  That was a nice accomplishment from me. Lol. 

And so it went. I did the second one the next day. 

I am sticking with the simple design before going for the bigger and complicated design, like this teahouse. My man built this and it took him quite some time and patience. 

Would I take up this hobby? Not sure but for time being, it is something for me to pass the time at home. 


  1. Wow, that look so pretty, but I bet you need a lot of patients to to do it, have a lovely weekend:)

  2. Gee!!! I love that wooden house, so very nice!

  3. I like to put these puzzles together but after that, I have no place to display them. Do you have a glass cabinet to showcase the completed puzzles?

  4. I used to enjoy putting puzzles together. Good hobby to occupy our free time. But after I have accomplished them, I will take them apart to keep them away. No place to display them.

  5. They look lovely! Would you be displaying them?

  6. Very beautiful 3D puzzle houses, are they costly to buy?

  7. Wow! you are good! I am very poor in handicrafts!

  8. I like putting things together with my hands.

  9. The new hobby quite interesting
    I saw this kind of 3d puzzles in book store too
    They even look more complicated
    I would like to try this 3d puzzles too
    but i have run out of space to put the finished product later
