Monday, July 1, 2019

Miscellaneous Picture #89: more food

Random photos of food that we ate last month.

My man wanted to eat lui cha for lunch so I recommended this Big Mouth Food Centre and he loved it so much that he bought a pack for dinner that day

Kolo mee in our usual coffee shop, Huan Lok Cafe

Weather has been slightly cold over here, some mornings, I cooked chicken porridge. My best combo, with salted olive, radish omelette and cruller!! 

Thank you to my bro-in-law for this delicious wild boar dish

Tasted the chocolate pie and it was good. Eat while it is warm to enjoybthe oozing molten chocolate. 

Elmo cookies for guests on a birthday party. Kids are so lucky! And I wonder if they know it. 


  1. Eeeekkkk!!! Lei cha, no, thank you! Gimme the kolo mee anytime. Ooooo...wild boar!!! I like!!! LOL!!!

  2. That reminds me that I have not had lei cha for a long time.

  3. oh, so you all tried the chocolate pie. I must go and eat it again.

  4. Your porridge combo is my favourite combo, olive, radish omelette and you tiao, sedap!

  5. Lui cha is one of my favourite dishes.
