Sunday, June 16, 2024


A new stall in Jia Hao Cafe that opened sometime this month. 

Porridge stall!! The new stall offers pork, prawns to fish porridge. Definitely a good, nice meal to have to warm up the tummies in the morning.  


The other day, I tasted its fish and prawns porridge, on the house. It was super good, super comforting. More of congee texture, with marinated fish slices and fresh prawns. 

Pork porridge

The other day, we tried out the pork porridge. RM7 per bowl. Tasty and savoury porridge, definitely a great meal to start off the day. 

And besides porridge, this stall also selling prawn mihun. Another variation is using noodle instead of mihun. This tasty, mild broth of seafood goes well with the handmade noodle, which I enjoyed. RM9 per bowl. 

Stall: LaiGee porridge


  1. Haven't had porridge in like 2 decades...these porridge bowls definitely look very satisfying and yum!

  2. good to have more variety in the shop now...Yes, a warm porridge definitely made my day in the morning!

  3. Good to have new stall in your coffeeshop, I love my porridge with century egg, actually prawns porridge is not so common here. Usually are pork, pork livers, shredded chicken and fish porridge. Hope their business will be good so it will be a win win for your shop too :)

  4. Porridge is very comforting and I love to eat it on a cooling day. Month of June though warm and hot but there are still rains in between to cool the temperature down. Month of May too. Climate change and climate is getting more and more unpredictable.

  5. Very good idea to have a congee stall as a warm bowl of congee will definitely warm the tummy on a cool rainy day.

  6. RM7? Cheaper at Choon Seng here in Sg Merah, RM5.00, I think! My missus enjoys it a lot.

    1. So good to see you commenting. Hope you are keeping well. Miss your daily blog updates
