Thursday, June 27, 2024

Breakfast choice

It was my off day so together with my man and girl, we went to this food court for breakfast. The place wasn't packed as it was slightly after 8am. 

Most of the stalls were opened so there was some breakfast choice for anyone to choose from. 

My man opted for sang nyuk mee stall. He has this set of noodle and pork soup for RM11. The taste was alright and authentic enough, according to him. 

If I am to have it, I would not touch those livers but instead take those pork belly strips.

I saw this porridge stall on our last visit so I told myself I must give it a try. It has porridge and meehoon option but I went for the former.

My epinephelus fish porridge for RM15. Nice and tasty, good enough for my taste bud. 

Next round, I must try the epinephelus fish meehoon soup. 

The girl went to the fried stall, and she ordered this RM8 tomato crispy noodle. The red gravy kind of scary. She commented it wasn't tasty, the gravy was too sour. 

My man ordered 2 baskets of dim sum to share among us. RM7 per basket, we had siu mai and red bean piggy buns. 

After we were done with our breakfast, we walked across the road to the hypermarket and did our grocery shopping. Kind of missing that. We used to do it once a month. Now it is once in a blue moon!! Hardly cook at home lately so we don't really do grocery shopping and stocking up the pantry. 


  1. Lots of breakfast choices...they all look very delicious!

  2. Since you already own a restaurant, no need to cook at home la. 😊

  3. I like to eat sour tomato gravy dishes. Very appetizing. I have to search what is epinephelus fish. I believe it is a variety of grouper fish. Grouper fish is tasty so your food must be tasty too. 👍 😋

  4. the tomato gravy is indeed very red! so scary...Nice to have a good breakfast with family during off-day, family bonding time!

  5. Having a meal and doing grocery shopping together is a simple yet very nice and heartwarming family bonding time together.

    It's ok not to cook at home since now you have to attend to your family business so don't feel guilty ok?

    The tomato gravy looks really red, must be very sour, I don't like too sour too.

  6. The piggie buns are so cute!
