Sunday, July 18, 2021

Simple as ABC

When hubby bought some sweet corns back, the first thing I thought as ABC soup!! Yes, that what I cooked the next day. 

As the name indicated, it was very simple yet comforting soup. Nothing hard about it. Just toss everything in a slow cooker and let it cooks for you! 

The standard ingredients in ABC soup are potatoes, sweet corns and carrots but you can add onion, tomatoes and red dates to it as well. 


Pork ribs, blanched

2 sweet corns, cut into half

2 Australian potatoes, peeled and cut into quarters

1 carrot, chopped

1 big onion, sliced

Salt and pepper to taste

Water to boil


1. In a slow cooker, heat up the water. Once boiled, add all the ingredients. Cook for about 2 to 2.5 hours. 

2. Season with salt and pepper. 

Simple, right? 

I accompanied my ABC soup with stir fried pea shoots. My kids love their vegetables. 

As the June weather was very warm, I also made us a pot of bird's nest. The kids prefer this more than mung bean soup so I cook this nourishing soup once in a while. 


  1. The vegetables look crunchy and delicious, I would love them too. Ya, can never go wrong with ABC soup, simple and easy to cook yet tasty. Wow bird's nest, very premium and nutritious soup.

  2. Yes, my missus cooks ABC very often too - my girl loves it.

    So good your kids love vegetables. When I was young, mealtime, my mum would have the rotan by her make sure we ate up all the vegetables!!! LOL!!!

  3. I love ABC soup too. The corn gives the soup a very nice flavor and sweetenss. I also like stir fried peashoots.

  4. ABC soups always make me happy and energetic. I can drink that everyday like water.

  5. Good that your children love to eat vegetables. Your abc soup must be so sweet naturally with the corn in it. Sometimes we add cabbage in ABC soup too.

  6. OK, I will boil ABC tomorrow! Feel like drinking something hot... now I am thinking what to cook for lunch...

  7. i like ABC soup childhood fav soup!

  8. My mom makes pork spareribs soup with corns and radishes for the summer lunch very often. I miss pea shoots!
    p.s You can make mayonnaise with soya milk or chickpea water. No egg, no dairy at all.

  9. Corn makes soup more tasty. I too love to add corn to my ABC soup. Yes, the weather is very warm now.

  10. I love this simple combination. The more veg the better.
