Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Cucuk 💉

My first Covid-19 vaccination was on 28 June. Hubby got his first dose of Sinovac one week earlier at his panel clinic. We were familiar with the doctor so the doctor helped to arrange for mine as well.

Monday came and the clinic called me to ask whether I could make it for 2pm appointment. That VERY same day. Of course I was alright with it since I was free. So my first dose of Sinovac vaccine was administered that afternoon. 

The doctor noticed that I had mild skin allergy before gave me my dose so she advised that I took the allergy medication right after the jab. So once I was out from the doctor room, a nurse passed me a tablet with a cup of water. 

During the 15 minutes observation, I felt thirsty and my left arm was slightly sore. My left arm was sore and I felt lethargic for 2 to 3 days. Super thirsty, throat was dry and I kept on drinking a lot of water for couple of days. Other than that side effects, I was alright and continue with my daily chores. 

That night after the jab, I started to feel sleepy and tired, so I went to bed before 9pm. Yes, you read it correctly. I went to bed before everyone else! And I slept till the next morning and up around 7am. Oh my. Just in time to cook a quick breakfast before getting ready for the boy's online class. 

Three weeks later, yesterday afternoon I completed my 2nd dose of vaccine. 15 minutes observation period and at the same time, the nurse helped to activate the MySejahtera app and in few steps later, my digital certificate was displayed on my phone.

RM3 each, brought from a nearby fruits shop

I was much prepared this round. Bought 2 coconuts in the morning, and cut and drank the juice after I got back from my jab. Coconut juice can help in relieving fever and heatiness, some said. Maybe it did helped me, as I was doing alright yesterday.  No fever or tired. The only side effects I had were dry throat and sore arm (and I still have a mild sore arm when I woke up this morning).  

Stronger 2nd vaccine, so expect stronger side effect (if any), and my doctor advised to drink more fluid. Some people has not side effect at all. Like my man. He utterly didn't feel anything. For me, it was bearable side effect, nothing so serious.

And did anyone try the after-vaccine electromagnetic effect? I did!! Amazingly, it worked on both arms. Magneto's power! 

On good note, I feel great to be in the same book with many Malaysians and others around the world in getting a full vaccination and continue our fight against the pandemic. 

Now my priority is my children. I have registered Jan for her vaccination last month, while waiting for Jay to turn 12 next month to be able to register him. Hope the vaccine will soon be available to younger children so I could get Jamie to do as well. Fingers cross! 


  1. Good for you! Take care, still have to watch out, eh!

  2. Congrats to you and your husband for completing two doses! Yay! 👍👍👍Did your husband have the magneto power too? 😂

    1. I tried on him the next day, yes, it worked on him too.

  3. Yes, I drank coconut water too but before going...hahahaa... and I also felt hungry fast for a couple of days after the vaccination

  4. that's amazing though i thought the magneto effect is a joke!

  5. We kept ourselves hydrated with lots of liquid. We also drank coconut water after the jab. Surprisingly, instead of feeling tired or sleepy, I couldn't sleep well for the 1st night after the jab. Our 2nd jab scheduled for next week. Hope no serious side effect after 2nd jab. Yes, must remember to buy coconut water. Not enough of coconuts because of the hot weather since last week.

  6. Congrats you got your jab. I thought the electromagnetic thing was nonsense but now that I see you have it, I believe. I has my second jab today and I tried it but I no magnet. LOL!

  7. didn't know what this whole electromagnetic thingymajiggy was till just now! ohmygoodness. TOO COOL!


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