Monday, December 23, 2019

Hangzhou | West lake

From Wuxi, we proceed to Hangzhou. More than 3 hours bus ride. Hangzhou is known for good universities, legends as well as beautiful, scenic places.

One of such famous place in Hangzhou is the West Lake. A UNESCO world heritage site, there are many legends concerning the West Lake but the most famous one would be the legend of the Lady White Snake. A touching folk story of a fairy (white snake named Bai SuZhen) and her mortal lover, Xu Xian.

It was at this Long Bridge on West Lake that the lovers met and the LeiFeng Pagoda at the background was where Lady White Snake was imprisoned. Not till the water in West Lake dried out or LeiFeng Pagoda collapsed, can Lady White Snake be released. 

The pagoda did collapsed in 1924 and witnesses saw a maid helping a beautiful lady from the rubbles. The current pagoda was built in 2000 standing on the original site, overlooking the beautiful legendary lake. 

Many tourists were roaming around while we were there. Got to be careful, not to bump into someone as there wasn't much protection on the bridge. You may fall into the icy water as no high railing on both sides of the bridge to protect you!!

It was turning dark soon but that did not stopped people from walking and taking photos of the charming West Lake and its surrounding. We even saw 3 brides taking photos in the cold, freezing winter!!

The night turned dark fast in winter, around 5pm the sky slowly darken. I was happy that I managed to catch the beautiful sunset before everything turned black.