Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Hangzhou | the Grand Canal

First of all, wishing everyone a Merry, Happy Christmas!! 

Our first boat ride in China was in Hangzhou. A boat ride along the Grand Canal. 

A photo first with the stone

It was pretty cold in Hangzhou that morning. The coldest since we were in China, around 0C that day!!

The view of the Grand Canal before we embarked on our tourist boat. The boat ride took about 40 minutes.  Then we disembarked and went for a short walk to Jinji Temple before our bus picked us up to our next destination in Hangzhou. 

Development around the canal

Splitting into two

Emperor QianLong

Emperor Kangxi

Replica of the boat used by Emperor to travel to Hangzhou

The canal

Shoplots along the canal

One of the shops

Jinji Temple

I loved this golden tree. Forgot what it was

Flowers still blooming in winter

Another lovely flower plants in the temple garden


  1. Nice photos and scenery.

    Wishing you and family a very Merry Xmas.

  2. Merry Christmas to you and your family! Oh my! It must be nice to go on a boat ride with all the lovely scenery around. I don't think I have ever been on a boat before.

  3. Blessed Christmas to you and your family! Thanks for sharing your photos. I enjoyed looking at them.

  4. Beautiful scenery from your boat ride. O degree is really, really cold.

  5. wow....that's so wonder the street looks quiet and desserted...Merry Christmas to u and family!

  6. Oh I love it all the photos the shop look very nice darling

  7. Hope you had a wonderful christmas. I like the golden tree and white flowers too.
