Wednesday, July 10, 2019

It is mid-week again

I am not going to post a lenghty post today since it is mid-week. 

It was one of the weekdays when I brought Jan to this food court for lunch before sending her off to school. One of the days when I was lazy to cook (or rather, too hot to work in the kitchen!) 

Initially we wanted to go for another stall but the staff wasn't ready to take orders so we ended up with ayam penyet stall. 

We loved the deep fried chicken thigh and the sambal dipping. I was not crazy about the crackers though. A satisfying RM10 lunch each. 


  1. That ayam penyet looks good! Ya, I do not like those mini crackers either - if I know any place serving that, I will tell them I do not want. Bland, artificial flavourings, preservatives...

  2. Your ayam penyet meal looks pretty good.

  3. RM10 is a good price for lunch with such a big chicken leg.

  4. The big chicken leg with the dipping sauce will be enough for me.

  5. ayam penyet!!! one of my favorite food! it can be spicy but I really like it

  6. I don't mind those crackers though, happy mid week to you too Rose

  7. It looks very delicious.

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