Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The internet issue

It is about time to give some internet access privilege to my 9 years old daughter. 

Sooner or later, she would need it for school studies. Just yesterday my hubby asked whether we should re-apply internet line in the house. Currently we using his WiFi but mostly on weekends as hubby brings it to his office. Most of the times I surf and blog from my mobile phone.

It was coincidence when he asked yesterday and I happened to bump into this blog. I found this interesting sharing by the blogger on whether we should or should not introduce internet to our children here.

I believe moderation is the key answer but give some freedom to my children with minimal supervision from us.

It is inevitable as our children are born to the world of technology and mobiles and computers are a part of daily lives. Jan knows how to surf as she used to browse through Youtube and games using pc in the past. Jay is more on iPads and phones, so he used to enjoy the privilege of playing with my sil's stuff. Even my boy (4 months shy of his 2 years old birthday!) knows how to operate an iPad and plays games.

So, the question is, should or should not we control our children when it comes to internet access?? Should I create a FB account for my girl as she asked before. That was 2 years ago and I were thinking why should a 7yo has a FB account for?  Do your kids have FB account, and at what age they have it?

A little curiosity and hope you, mummies and daddies would not mind sharing. 


  1. my girls each has their own desktop computer at home in our "computer room". I created a facebook account for my eldest to play game & connect with her friends, using a special created name. It is a bit of a challenge to control the time they spend on internet but when exam is approaching they are prohibited to on the computer.

  2. No FB for my boys yet, but they do have internet access.

  3. Both my boys watch Youtube and Kz knows how to type what he wants to watch in Youtube.. Every mommy needs some sanity and I let them watch the tablet everyday so that I could do house chores.. Ikut peredaran masa...

  4. My missus bought our first PC for my girl just to play games. Those days, they came in CDs...and before we knew it, she read PEJABAT POLIS as PEJABAT POS. We got her eyes checked - it was over 300 both sides.

    I guess it is ok...but there must be some control...and as far as possible, confine to educational and fun games and nothing violent.

    Facebook - make sure her settings are very private...and confine to her kiddie friends only. You'll never know what the grown-ups may come out with - I get all kinds of X-rated and somewhat too sexy pictures and links, dunno if their accounts got hacked or what...and gory, violent stuff. I would unfriend immediately, don't care who.

    Youtube? Good grief! You can get to see all kinds of things on youtube, not meant for kids one. Let them watch educational videos of your choice, ok. Choose for them, don't let them browse...say, a kid polaying one of your girl's piano pieces - those should be ok...or those showing Sibu, see how many places they remember. The bottom line is - there should be parental guidance at all times.

  5. Moderation is the key.

    Technology is here and it can actually help them with learning.

    My son learn lots (even stop motion animation, on his own) by youtube.

    But I think an FB account is not needed yet.

  6. I put my kid on the computer when he was just about 2 & pretty savvy with it. But I make sure I'm sitting with him & limit his time to the screen. Too much exposure at a young age may not be a good thing.

  7. I would say with moderation and with supervision, explaining the good and dangers that comes with it.

  8. I think monitoring and supervising, as well as limiting the amount of time she spends on the internet is wise. I know there are parental controls that help to prevent porn and things like this.

  9. give but must monitor. Must remind them not to buy or download anything.

    also must have their password so that can check on them

    J have internet access for his homework. like need google translate etc

  10. Moderation, if not, they might be too addicted to it, and ends up on the pc whole day...

  11. Facebook? No. Please don't let them have fb account at young age. Not until they're 16 like thst. Can let them access internet but with you monitoring them. In that case, they won't search anything 'funny. I only let my daughter play ipad only for the games. She used to know how to open you tube before and it scared me! Ahaha. Now I turn off the internet fjrst, before letting her play with my ipad. Hehe.

  12. I think facebook terms and conditions have age limits. Yes, it is ok for children to have internet access under supervision and learn from parents about the correct way to use the internet - must not simply click on links and etc.

  13. Facebook TOC says you need to be 13 years old (if I remember correctly) to open an account. I'm in this line of work so I think I'm right. Haha.

    Hmm...I guess this one is up to each individual parent but if your child has an FB, make sure they know there are paedophiles and predators on the net and be careful who they talk to and don't ever reveal personal information.

    I'll be more comfortable if younger children use the net for games only (which doesn't have a chat feature).

    I guess it's up to you to decide the restrictions you'll put into place and supervision is a must.

  14. Oh such tricky questions!! I've been wondering that myself. I think internet access is ok but not so sure about FB for a 9 yo
