Tuesday, June 4, 2013

My Miscellaneous Picture #2: Hanging

Hi guys!  I am going to start a bi-weekly posts of random pictures that I took using my digital camera and Samsung Galaxy phone camera.  I called it My Miscellaneous Picture.  Hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoy taking pictures of anything that fancied me. First few posts will be emphasized on things in my home, till I explore more outdoor views.
My first Miscellaneuous Picture post was on 29 May so if you missed out on that post, you can read at this link!  For my 2nd MMP post, it will be something hanging that I found in my house. 
A nice Chinese calendar to tell me the date (including those in Chinese dates)
And a house must have at least one wall clock to tell us the times

I like this leaf design on my curtains. One of the reasons I choose the curtain. 

An eye-catching green coloured kitchen scissor hanging on the fridge. 

A gift from my Singaporean cousin when I moved in. 

So, do you have any favourite hanging thing in your house?? Do share if you do not mind.


  1. Yeah got some hanging on the wall. One was my sis wedding pressie to us

  2. Yeah... something nice and memorable. I like your last photo -a gift from your SG cousin.

  3. So what are you going to do with your nice new house when you move to Sibu? Sell? Rent?

    1. My house will stay the same. My parents will check on it once a week. We only be staying in Sibu for 2 years and so, and be back to Kuching when my Jay is going to primary school

  4. I have them too, except the last picture.

  5. I don't think I have any favourite hanging things.

  6. I can't live with a wall clock. That day our wall clock in the living room is spoilt and stop working, I am just not used to it so I went to buy one to replace it in a short while. Time is really important to us.

    1. agreed with you. Couldnt live without a clock

  7. that's nice.
    btw, please give me your home address. will send you honey drops from NZ. Thanks. wennexp@yahoo.com

    1. Thanks in advance Wenn. Will email to you my address
