Thursday, April 6, 2023

Zu Sakuraitei

We went to my father-in-law's grave at the 18th Mile Methodist Cemetery last Saturday. The Ching Ming or Tomb Sweeping Day fell on Wednesday, 5 April so we did our part in this tradition few days early, when hubby was around on the weekends. 

After we done cleaning and praying, we went to Brighton Square for lunch. And oh boy, it should took us a long time to reach our destination as everywhere was jammed!! Guess everyone was back for the Ching Ming and the road was packed with vehicles!!

But luckily we were able to find a vacant table in Zu Sakuraitei that day as the place was packed with lunch goers. The last time we were here was on Jan's birthday which is coming up this month!!!

Hubby ordered this sashimi and ebiko sushi platter, which everyone enjoyed very much. Fresh and tasty!!

Jay went for this tempura with cha soba. Green noodle, look just like the green tea (cha), and a raw quail egg in the centre. He just pour the egg on top and mixed the soba with the egg and seaweed strips. 

And enjoyed with the deep fried tempura. 

My girl stayed loyal to her unagi don. But she said praises of this unagi don. Thick fish fillet and well marinated, she loved it very much!!

My Saba Shioyaki Bento was my choice for lunch. I love Bento, everything in one tray!!

The man opted for Sanma Shioyaki Bento (Grilled Pacific Saury. Same as mine except different fishes. 

I chosen Kid Bento for Jamie, which looked a lot but we helped him with the sushi. 

Everyone enjoyed their lunch that day. We usually do Japanese for special occasion so it is a treat for the kids who adore the cuisine. Maybe another round of Japanese cuisine this month end when Jan's 17th birthday is. 

This place so far has never failed to impress us. One of our favourite Japanese outlets in Kuching!!


  1. All so very nice, not like the new one, Zanmai here. Quite disappointing. Your girl is just like mine - unagi don all the time, will never settle for less.

  2. Good that you all did the Qing Ming rituals before the actual day to beat the rush. Tasty food for everyone at Zu Sakuraitei.

  3. That looks like a wonderful meal! I would order that unagi don for me too :-)

  4. my favorite is always unagi don.
