Thursday, September 16, 2021

Over the moon

It was so expensive that we initially didn't want to buy any this year. But somehow we felt like uphold the tradition of having it once a year so we bought 2 mooncakes in the end. 

We tasted Baker's Cottage mooncakes few years ago, so we remembered it was quite nice. When we had our shopping in Emart Hypermarket on National Day, we saw a section of Baker's Cottage mooncakes right at the entrance of the hypermarket. So we choose 2 mooncakes (our favourite flavours of pure lotus single yolk, and low sugar white lotus).

Low sugar white lotus (RM18+) was what I chosen. No, we can't wait for the actual day to taste it so few nights ago, we had this for a night snack.

White lotus mooncake, my favourite. 

Hubby wanted a single yolk in his mooncake so we took 1 pure lotus single yolk (RM17+). Different lotus pattern on top. Both were pretty.

We took it last weekend. I was not so crazy about the yolk so I scrapped it as much as I could, and enjoyed the pure lotus. Sweeter than the white lotus though. The sweetness did balanced out with a little bit of the yolk.

So that was the first 2 mooncakes that we got to taste. Fortunately we bought another 2 flavours from Baker's Cottage when we went shopping this morning in Emart. We couldn't find any with yolk so we ended up with these two.

Pandan lotus (RM14.40 after discount) and Mixed Nuts (RM15.60 after discount). Can enjoy them this weekend at home. The kids may have grown up and no longer crazy about lantern but it never stopped us from buying some paper lanterns to hang. Lol. 

No one gave us any mooncakes as gift this year unlike in the past, we received quite a lot that we were having hard time finishing them. Time must be bad. Have you tasted any, and what flavours?

Happy Mid-Autumn in advance to all my blogger friends and readers!!


  1. Baker's Cottage is good. I have one of their boxes, for two mooncakes - I use it to keep my ang paos come Chinese New Year every year.

    I have not bought any this year. Maybe I will not be buying any since I'm on a low sugar diet. Just stick to the Sibu Foochow Mooncake Festival biscuits, with lard, not so sweet.

  2. Happy mooncake festival to you and your family rose. I tasted the tai Chong kok mooncake which my sis gave me, not too sweet and tastes savory with the yolk, nice! Other than over the moon, I could think of another tagline, love you to the moon and back! Lolol.

  3. I still prefer the traditional lanterns than those electric lanterns.

  4. Haven't had any mooncake, traditional or modern, in more than 10 years...I wish I could taste some of yours :-)

  5. Ya, just buy a few to be in the festive mood. I bought less this year, mostly from home bakers. I like red bean moon cakes with lots of kuaci.

  6. our neighbour gave us a box of mini snowskin mooncakes. I have just eaten one!

  7. I have yet to try Baker's Cottage but I heard it's quite good so I bought few from Boulevard Supermarket. Quite lucky cause on that day, there's special promo of 25%.

    Just like you, I also dislike yolk. So I always removed it and gave to my mom. Hahaha

  8. Lotus flower design on lotus mooncakes, so pretty and appropriate :)
