Friday, February 19, 2021

One of the few

Last Wednesday, hubby and I went to Desa Wira market to get our meat and vegetable supplies for the Lunar New Year. 

As expected, this small neigbourhood commercial centre cum wet market was packed with people. Even the coffee shops were quite full. 

After a quick buying, we picked up this place out of few coffee shops around for breakfast. I settled for a bowl of kolo mee hoon from this Thong Shun Kolo Mee shop. Old-school taste, just alright for me. 

Meanwhile my man ordered kueh chap cheng from the next door coffee shop, Mui Tat Economy Shop. RM8 for this lovely kueh chap cheng. Mild in taste just like how we liked it. 

For the kids, we tapau the kolo mee from Thong Shun. By the time we got home, the kids were still sleeping. As expected, it was school holiday for them so they did not need to get up so early. 



  1. Packed with people? Quite full? I would go elsewhere right away...or I would tapao and take home to eat together with the kids.

  2. wow...everyone is coming out for dine-in with the dine-in regulation being relaxed. Hopefully there will be no spike of cases. The kolo mee and kueh chap are hard to find in KL. Long time didn't have these.

  3. Yes, it is like releasing on parole.. hahaha... i am used to buying home to eat or online delivery..

  4. Been quite a while since I last had Kueh Chap.

  5. Wow, both of you dare to dine in. Guess the mysejahtera app shows very little case around the area that's why. Lolo Mee can get here at coffee shop but kueh chap is difficult to find.

  6. It is so nice to dine-in again but I have yet to do that. LOL! I am looking forwards to eating out again.

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