Thursday, October 22, 2020

Another soup

It was Member's Day in Emart hypermarket last weekend. But before we went for our grocery shopping, first we needed to fill our tummies up.

Hubby and I went to  this food court for breakfast. Usually we would order its kiaw soup (dumpling soup) to go with our kolo mee but I noticed that they had another soup available on their stall front.

Mixed pork soup!! I ordered RM7 to try. Since MCO, business has not been so good, so we did not waited so long for our meal.  On normal days before MCO, one would need to wait so long for the noodle as it was long queue. But now, with this pandemic, most people prefer to stay indoor or buy takeaway than dine in.  

We seldom come here, but only when we needed to do grocery shopping, then we would make a stop and had breakfast before went with our shopping. The last time we were here was about 2 weeks ago.

Okay, lets go back to our breakfast. I liked that they served their food in nice bowls. Presentable and tastier looking, don't you agree? The soup has that It had wine taste to it. So the taste of wine and ginger combined; nice to take on a cold morning. Ingredients were pretty fresh but the liver was slightly overcooked. Other than that, we enjoyed this soup well. 

After our kolo mee breakfast, we went to get our grocery. 


  1. I love kolo mee with mixed pork at Kim Joo or Noodle Descendants. Love the blue and white bowl!

  2. nice bowl! feels like dining in an 'atas' restaurant!

  3. Yes, I like the bowl too... I don't really fancy eating my meal with plastic bowls which are normally served now.. no choice.. either that or we packet home to eat...

  4. I seldom notice the bowl cos not important to me. Good that you enjoyed the food except the liver is hard since u say the liver is overcooked.

  5. Nice bowls. I like meat soup with wine in it. I will order only meat without the liver.

  6. The bowl looks like a Japanese design. It would make my appetite better.

  7. Are those pig blood cubes in the soup?
