Sunday, July 19, 2020

Defy Ageing. Embrace Youth with NUViT Grande Platinum Sheep Placenta Complex

As I am now in my early 40s, I am becoming more aware of my skin and complexion. I can't escape ageing. No one can. 


Beyond the age of 25, the rate of cell death in our system will gradually overtake the rate of cell growth. As the rate of cell death outcompete the cell growth, the number of healthy youthful cells depreciate!

What's more is that our cell repairing ability declines as we age! In addition to the decreased number of healthy cells, this also leads to the accumulation of damage molecules such as proteins, lipids and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) that make up our cells. However, thankfully we can now delay the process and age gracefully.


Introducing NUViT Grande Platinum Sheep Placenta Complex, a product from New Zealand that has more than 15 years of research and development. It has been recognised as one of the most effective supplement for ANTI-AGEING and CELL REJUVENATION.

Placenta is the cradle of life that protects and nourishes a growing foetus by exchanging nutrients between mother and baby. In addition, stem cells that are contained in the placenta can differentiate and replicate into viable cells to act as a repair system for the body to replenish adult tissues. As a result, a reduction of cell damage, replacement of damaged cells and restoration of cells that undergone molecular changes can be achieved.

Over the years, sheep placenta therapy holds the promise to revive and regain the fountain of youth. While most pharmaceutical drugs work by suppressing certain symptoms over a short period of time, sheep placenta therapy stimulates the body's natural healing and revitalising power. 


  • Premium Sheep Placenta - from New Zealand, which contains high quality stem cells and growth factors
  • Shark Liver Squalene - defend the body with its strong antioxidant properties
  • Olive Oil Essence - improves digestion and helps to lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases
  • Aloe Vera Essence - promotes wound healing and helps to strengthen the immune system


  • Youth and Beauty - improving physical vitality and energy; reduces sign of ageing, and improves skin appearance and complexion
  • Tissue Injuries and Damage - accelerates the regeneration of cells and tissues; speeds up wound healing and speeds up recovery after illnesses
  • Hormones - balances hormones; regulates menstrual cycle; reduces menstrual pain and moderates menopause symptoms
  • Reproductive System - Increases libido, improves infertility, helps in breast firming and aids in breast milk production

For more information, kindly visit their fb page: and online store:


  1. Interesting but I'm not going to take it :)

  2. I tried this mask before, really love it!

  3. Oh? So your secret is out? This is how you stay looking so young? LOL!!!

  4. It's the law. After the age of 40, you should reach for more specialized care.

  5. Some people preserved their own placenta and grind them into powders to eat them. I am all for aging and embracing nature so no placenta anything for me.

  6. I seldom take supplements or vitamins because I keep forgetting. Is this effective in delaying aging?

  7. This sounds awesome! I’ve never heard of this brand before but I’m keen to find out more.

  8. OH wow, not heard of this in the UK. I prefer natural plant based products rather than things that have animal parts.

  9. Defying age is always a good thing. This is a product that I need to try

  10. I've seen placenta in a lot of beauty products now. I just can't bring myself to use them ��

  11. Looks like a great product! want to try it for sure

  12. These supplements sounds really helpful and useful one..glad to know about these...these are completely new for me i haven't heard of these before but now it really seems to be very effective one...Thanks indeed...

  13. Using sheep placenta is definitely and interesting ingredient in this anti-aging product. I am not sure I will be using any anti-aging beauty products but let's wait and see.

  14. These seem interesting for sure. I haven't heard of anyone using sheep placenta in supplements but I can see why it makes sense.

  15. First time I've heard of sheep placenta. Lots of products now that claim to have anti-aging properties. I still think that eating healthy foods and having enough sleep contribute a lot to looking young.

  16. Oh wow this is fascinating. I've never heard of using sheep placenta in supplements but you learn something new every day. I don't know if these would be for me though.

  17. Agree with you. So important to take care of our skin, after 40. Had never heard of sheep placenta before as an anti-aging product. Found your blog post interesting read.

  18. I really am interested in this product. I am always looking for products that are anti-aging. 🍕👓🚢

  19. How interesting. I'm super wondering about how this works.

  20. I definitely need my bags under my eyes taken care of lol

  21. You look great, Rose - a testament that it works.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I am eating deer's placenta to repair all my internal organs and skin. My wife bought it from Putier that costs over RM10K for a whole set! I swear that my skin looks younger than all my classmates from primary school. Good for you.

    I must explore the sheep's brand you are sharing here.
