Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Tea talk

Let's have a tea talk.


I drink tea. I am not a coffee lover. I usually drink tea in the morning. Not so much in the late afternoon and evening as if I drink tea at such hours, I would have insomnia. Tried it, been there, so I would not want to risk drinking in the afternoon and evening.
One shelf for our black tea

I drink black tea at home. My hubby loves tea so he mostly buy our tea supply at home. During our Hangzhou holiday last December, we bought 2 packs of Longjing tea (a type of green tea) home. Sometime we took few leaves and bite and eat them just like that. The leaves are crispy. Other day, we pour warm water onto few tea leaves and drink the tea.

Longjing tea

If I am to order drink outside, I would go for teh c (our local name for tea mixed with milk). Basically it is milk tea.  Depends on place, I would have our Kuching teh c peng special (3 layers tea consists of red tea, evaporated milk and gula Melaka syrup).

So on normal days, I would drink black tea, but take milk tea on weekends when having breakfast at coffee shops.

Sometime last month, I noticed this bubble or pearl milk tea truck parked at a bus stop in Green road. A new drink truck in Kuching!!

I was waiting for Jan to finish her school then. So to kill time, I decided to approach the tea truck and try the pearl milk tea or famously known as boba.

RM8 for big cup, RM6 for small cup. I decided for the latter one. Few choices and I went for milk tea. I still like pearls with milk tea than other flavours.

By the way, that day was the tea truck's first day of business on the road.  2 young men mending the truck. After few minutes, I got my cup of pearl milk tea.

Tastewise, the milk tea was not too sweet, quite fragrant. Unfortunately the tapioca pearls were hard. Not well cooked. I had to scoop them out when I reach home so I could enjoy the tea only. Lol.

And did I finish the drink that evening?? Of course, no. I had few sips in the car and keep the tea in the fridge for the next morning. Yes, milk tea without pearls to accompany my breakfast the next day. :) 


  1. I seldom drink tea. I'm a coffee lover :)

  2. I drink almost everything from milk, coffee, tea, alcohol to plain water! The only drink that keeps awake all night tossing on the bed is Oolong Cha. I avoid this tea from evening onwards.

  3. I don't drink milk tea nor coffee.. but I like to drink hot chinese tea only.. hahaha.. weird me especially pure bred from Ipoh which is famous for coffee!

  4. I m a tea person too....I have either pu er or green tea daily.

  5. Last time I went to Hangzhou, kena potong buy long jin tea cos a small packet but costs RM200.

  6. I'm a coffee person but sometimes, I may go for the 3-layer teh-c special...and green tea at Japanese places.

  7. I am more of a coffee lover but I enjoy cold green tea. I find it very refreshing.

  8. I am a coffee lover but sometimes i will drink thai milk tea.

  9. I love to explore different flavours of tea when I travel to different places. Thanks for sharing some of the Green tea varieties that you have tasted. Pearl milk tea is new to me. I wonder how do they manage to make tea with tapioca pearls. Thanks for your refreshing post on tea.
