Saturday, February 29, 2020

Miscellaneous Picture #95: cook in

A compilation of food photos. Food that I cooked lately. Some day I eat out but other day, I would cook in when I am inspired and not lazy to cook. 

Hakka salted mustards with duck soup

Chicken curry, I used A1 premix curry paste

Chives and prawns omelette

Simple lunch, reheat braised pork leg and stir-fried lady's fingers

Steamed prawns with garlic & Chinese wine

Dinner on one evening

Do you normally eat out or cook and eat at home?? 


  1. I love salted mustard with duck soup.

  2. I always cook and eat at home :)

  3. Aha!!! A1 Mountain Globe curry paste! Simply the best! We never use any other brand nor cook from scratch these days. So very nice!

  4. wow! u r a good cook! nice dishes!

  5. I try to eat at home often as I got invited out to eat too often. I feel more relaxed at home

  6. You can cook very well. Salted mustard with duck soup sounds appetizing. I eat out almost 90% of the time.
