Monday, January 20, 2020

January report

How's your January? So far, it has been a busy month for me.

It has been nothing but raining on New Year day. Rainy and wet days when schools reopened as well. Rain continued for days and into weeks.

Both boys are in primary school now so after drop them off in the morning, I have some breather before preparing lunch and sending my girl to her school in the afternoon.

Life is pretty routine on weekdays, me being mostly on the roads, chauffeuring my kids around. As on weekends, I would prefer to stay at home and relax.

Jamie was down with flu and cough after a week in school. Then I caught the virus last week and wasn't 100% well.

Chinese New Year is this weekend!! Are you ready for it? Some red packets I got this year. Pretty designs for most of them.

I like this red packet from AIA.

But I liked these the best because I bought them. Lol. No, it was the personalised designs that caught my attention. No dad and mum red packets so I guess the paternal and maternal grandparents red packets look good and realistic as well.

Bet my kids would be excited to receive our ang pow this year!!

A friend gave us a basket of goodies and a box of this premium graded cherries. Oh my, I love cherries!!

Sweet and fresh. I love and eat the most.

We are going to be simple and frugal this year. CNY for us is gathering with family members, a once a year thing. The family re-connection.

I am looking forward to the CNY break. A long 1-week school holidays. :) 


  1. Hahhhh!!! Maybe that is why you are all coughing - the cherries! Go slow on the Mandarin oranges too - doctor says it is heaty.

  2. Like you, I also love cherries but they are so expensive. I am too kedekut to buy LOL!

  3. Ah, I see all the foc angpows you got don't have the sign of this year. Can understand why you chose that angpow design to buy, because of the grandparents.

  4. Cute red packets. Weather has been hot here. Have been busying preparing for CNY, even though in a small scale.

  5. The ang pow packets are so cute!

  6. I got the flu too. It was not a great start to the year.

  7. I like the pink packets from aia. The grandparents packets look cute too. I recovered from cough just before cny.

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