Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Miscellaneous Picture #90: July favourite

July has been a busy and warm month 

Sunflowers growing so well under such weather in my church compound

Coconut juice to cool ourselves down

My man went to Cambodia early this month

One of his destination was Angkor Wat in Siam Reap

Then a family's weekend holiday in KK, enjoying the beautiful sea and exploring some parts of KK

A short performance by Jamie and his school friends in a kids & parents expo middle of the month

Jan had a taekwondo poonsae competition last weekend. She got 5th placing. 

My little nephew is 3 months old and he looked so cute in this photo


  1. So eventful, your July. I don't think there was anything exciting that entire month except for a little party that we had.

  2. The sunflower is so bright and loving the hot weather. Your kids are fast growing up. Your nephew is so cute.

  3. I love sunflowers! Your nephew is so cute, my son os 9 months old☺

  4. Nice pictures of the sunflowers and Angkor Wat... the clouds are fascinating!

  5. You have so many beautiful memories from July. I 'm sure that you enjoy in your holiday and exploring KK. Beach looks amazing and your nephew is so cute.

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  6. I like the pics of the sunflowers and Angkor Wat. The sunflower pic looks like a postcard! Your nephew is so cute. My nephew turning 4 years old recently :)

    I just went to Genting again in July, this time with my mom.

  7. Estupenda selección! Espero verte pronto por mi blog! Buenas noches! ♡♡♡

  8. The sunflowers are so bright and pretty! your nephew is looking at the camera with wonder.
