Monday, June 24, 2019

Sweet temptation

Last Saturday we went to Green Heights Mall to check out the new supermarket that recently open for business. 

Everrise. Not totally new to us, this is the newest chain that open to cater to the local neighbourhood. 

We spent less than an hour in the new supermarket before we made our way to the flea market.  One of the stalls that attracted us was next to the flea market. 

Ice-cream!! How could we missed it with this big ice cream statue standing next to the  mall entrance?? 

Bee's Gelato. So many choices to choose from. After tasting few flavours we went for 2 cups of its fresh and sweet gelato. 

Oreo and strawberry flavours. RM16 for both. I loved the strawberry gelato. Very fresh and sourish and sweet at the same time. Like the fruit itself.

Luckily we don't take gelato that often since it is not cheap. Once in a while, it is alright to enjoy such rare treat. 

By the way you could only get them on weekends, as stated on their notice. 


  1. RM8 per cup of gelato is reasonable. Some places here more expensive. Heard nothing much in that Everise, disappointing - that's the one that took over from Cold Storage, right?

  2. I love strawberry gelato/ice cream especially those with fresh strawberries.

  3. I just had ice cream just now, hee hee

  4. There is a new gelato place that opened near my office. I haven't checked it out yet.

  5. Hi rose, you have guessed correctly that i will be going genting, i will send you a gift as promised, can i know is your mailing address the same? I will send you an email anyway, this is just to notify you.

    1. I dont remember if I gave you my current address before. Is it number 101? If it is, then this is my current address. Otherwise you email me and I reply accordingly. Thanks in advance.

  6. That is a cute ice cream statue. So many choices to choose from!
