Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Miscellaneous Picture #88: Lazy holiday

We had a very lazy holiday. Woke up late, killed times at the malls, window shopping, caught a movie, eating out. The kids were having a good time this holiday.

Gawai decoration in a mall

Excited to see Doraemon

Hanging out while waiting to catch a movie

This duo playing carrom while waiting in the car wash shop

Sleep in and have fun in the sister's room

Helping out repainting the outdoor bench

Some of his new toy collection this holiday


  1. my weekend was kinda lazy too...I didn't know boys like to hang out in sister's room...LOL!

  2. Nice Gawai decorations in the mall. best holiday is just relaxing the whole day.

  3. Have a great day. Nice place for spending a holiday.
    I spent my holidays in Kashmir.
    Asmi recent posted
    Kashmir Places to Visit

  4. We did not go anywhere either but we sure had a lot of fun, did a lot of things together. Looks like your kids sure did too.

  5. Weekend family bonding, that is the best quality time spent!

  6. It may be a lazy holiday but definitely a happy, quality time spent together as a family.

  7. This really reminds me of my teenaged years spending holiday at home with my two brothers!

  8. Perfect holiday for the kiddos 😊

  9. Repainting the bench is a nice activity.

    Jamie, so many tanks you have there! Such a lucky boy :D

  10. Wow so many toys! Sounds like a relaxing holiday your family had.

    I miss sleeping in and chatting with my sisters
