Friday, September 28, 2018

Weekend Menu #92 : ABC soup

Isn't it a sigh of relief that weekend is here? 

Finally, UPSR is over and my girl can have a breather. Everyone could relax better this weekend as last weekend was a busy one. Taekwondo upgrading test, revision, I was recovering from sickness and all the other things at home. 

My man and I took turn to fall sick. I recovered, and he was sick. Then I got the bugs from him again!

He wasn't well on Malaysia's Day, so he requested I cooked ABC soup for him. He was longing for it and since it has been a while we had it at home, I cooked it as our soup of the day that weekend.

My other dishes included fried white pomfrets and stir fried sweet potatoes leaves. Simple home-cooked meal.

I usually use chicken as the meat base for my ABC soup but again, my "patient" wanted pork as the meat base. Thankfully I had some pork ribs in the freezer so, ABC with pork rib it shall be.

Pork ribs, about 200 - 300g
4 medium sized potatoes
1 carrot
1 big onion
White pepper and salt to taste

1. Blanch the pork rib before add into a pot of boiling water.
2. Peel the potatoes, cut into half. Cut the carrot into big cubes. Slice the onion.
3. Add potatoes, carrot and onion into the soup.
4. Simmer under low fire till the meat is cooked and vegetables have soften. 
5. Add white pepper and salt to taste before turn off the fire and stir to mix well. Serve.


  1. I love potato leaves.
    And that soup looks real good.


  2. Yum yummm!!!! All look so refreshing! Home-cooked is always the best!

  3. Yummy...
    High 5 to your patient. I am a pork fan too. Lol.
    Hope you two are feeling better (hug)

  4. ABC soup is one of my favourite soups, yums! Your soup looks real good. Hope you and your hubby are getting better now.

  5. I hope by now both you and John are feeling much better. Your soup looks really good. I like ABC soup. My boys love it too.

  6. ABC soup is best for someone not feeling well. Hope everyone has recovered by now. I love fried white pomfrets and sweet potato leaves. Yummy meal.
