Wednesday, August 31, 2016

A tooth story + mid-week

On Monday, I went for a tooth extraction.  My first adult tooth to be pulled out after all those years! 

Reason being the molar on my bottom right jaw broken into a vertical crack for a week or so, and the dentist suggested extraction as it could not be saved due to the vertical crack and it may caused infection to the nerve.  Thankfully I did not have any swelling or pain when it was all started but I have no choice other than to extract it out that day.

So I spent more than 30 minutes in the dentist's clinic (injection and extraction) with Jamie as my little companion.  My right side of the face was numb for the whole afternoon.  And ouch!  Once the painkiller effect has gone, I felt the pain in the evening.  Nothing solid; I went soft with porridge and soup for the first 2 days. I am sure I could eat something nicer and solid today.  (fingers cross)

I thought I could have a filling done but in the end I have had to undergo an extraction.  I hate dentists, but then again, we could not do without them!  *sob sob* RM100 for all the damages and now I feel funny with a hole in my mouth.

Ok, ok. I am sure everyone has enough of my tooth story for time being. I need to go back in few weeks time to check on that hole and do other filling with the dentist. 

It is the mid-week.  And I love having a little break in the mid-week. Kind of getting a breather after the Monday and Tuesday rush.  And here, I would like to wish all Malaysians "Happy National Day!"

Pink hibiscus

Not going to do much today.  Just relax and let everything flows.  Am going to send Jan and Jay to grandparents' house later as the grandpa promised to bring both for a walk and shopping today. *wink*

Have an awesome day, everyone.


  1. Does it affect your chewing with the molar no longer there? Is there a need to use a denture tooth?

    1. Dentist said the teeth at both sides of the molar will shift so somehow it will change the structure. So I need to fill up the hole. She did recommend either denture or brace. Will only know when I go for the next appointment.

  2. So far I have cracked 3 molars. Ouch! I know how you feel. Hope the wound heals soon and you can enjoy your food again.

  3. Oh, it's a female dentist. I've only known male dentists in Kuching. Maybe female dentists will be less scary to visit.

  4. Happy Merdeka Day to you and all Malaysians

    I also hate visiting the dentist and having extraction, ouch!

  5. Sorry to hear that... Understand very well cos I has an extraction last October... Nothing wrong with the tooth, just pain and pain and dentist advised me to pull it out cos it touched the nerves or something... Anyway, i have a few missing molars inside! Aikkks.. Really dont like going to dentists!

  6. Your first? Lucky you! I don't have that many left, so sad. :(

  7. Wah!!! RM100 only? That's cheap!

  8. Ouch! So painful! Good that it is healing now.

  9. Ouch, I can feel your pain too! That hurts. I'm surprised it's s cheap to get an extraction done for just RM100. In SG, I've to pay S$100 just for scaling & polishing! That's double the pain! :<

  10. I don't like to visit dentist too. On of my tooth gave me problem because of an infection and it got complicated. I am glad everything is alright now.

  11. Scary stuff. I haven't been to a dentist in years and pray that the day will never come ..haha
