Friday, April 15, 2016

About them

It has been a busy week.

Firstly Jan went to her Grade 2 piano exam on Wednesday. I was as nervous as she was but it was done and behind us now. 

Few months ago, I did mentioned on Jan and her BO problem but luckily her BO has cured. The remedy?  Lots of lemons and limes!! She used slices of lemons and limes to rub on her armpits during shower and after few weeks of using them, her BO has gone.  Now she does not use any deodorants or anything and I do not smell anything unpleasant when pick her up from school anymore.

And this year, she learns about menstrual, pre-teen, body changes etc in Pendidikan Jasmani in school. So she was curious and asking me this and that.  And she also tends to be more aware of her body.  Oh dear, my girl.  I remember the first time I had my menstrual and how unprepared I was that time. Mum never talk and prepare for it!

Time has changed, and kids learn all those stuff in school at earlier age.  I think it is good thing as kids nowadays tend to mature earlier.  Must be the food or milk that they consume.

Jay is turning 7 in 4 months time.  He loses 2 teeth in the lower jaw so far. School-wise, he did fine in his previous exam.  Mostly scored 60+ (Grade B) while Maths being highest at 94 marks and English being second (82 marks).  We were surprised that his Chinese scored at 70 marks.  Well, I guess all those extra effort at home and tuition work.

But being a boy, he could be playful and careless sometime.  So once a while, I need to push him further.  When it is play, let him plays.  When it is study, let him studies.

The other night while we were in bed, Jay suddenly came to me and said,"I lost my brother." Oooppps. What makes him said that? Curiously I went out from the room and here was a funny sight that I could not resist not to snap a photo or two.

My Jamie! Taking and putting on the girly stuff (again!). He has the habit of digging through his sister's room and plays with what ever he fancies. Finder's keeper, sometime. Really a big headache. I will keep this photo and show him when he is bigger! *wink*

Jamie's vocabulary has also improved lately.  Getting very babbling now.  And busybody too.  Sometime while I were busy with something, he would come over and ask,"Mum, you need help?" or when I hurt myself, he would say, "Mummy, are you okay?" That boy, he could be so adorable.

Maybe being the youngest and surrounded by sister and brother, he learns fast and talks faster. He speaks mostly English but we are conversing both Chinese and English with him so he could be bi-lingual.  We think this is better for him when he goes to school.


  1. They say the youngest is the smartest cos they learn from their elder brothers and sisters

  2. It is good to prepare our kids in advance on what to expect and not be taken by surprise. The modern kids mature very early. It is fun to watch your kids growing up so fast.

  3. Same here, when i had my 1st menstrual, i was blur blur at that time...

  4. Muahahahahahaha!!! Jamie is so cute!!! So lovable.

    Your girl is a little lady now, sure there will be a lot of questions. I am glad to note that you have a very open relationship with her so she will come to you about anything. Many kids are afraid to ask their mums or their dads.

  5. Oh, so the remedy is so natural, just use lemons only.. I admit I also got some BO when I'm sweaty, and I can terus smell my own armpit smell when I'm sweating, especially when I'm out for lunch..

  6. Hahahaha, I was wondering why Jay says that he has lost his brother. Nowadays many adult guys also wear necklace you can tell Jay.

  7. Cutie Jamie. He's curious about girls stuff. hehe

  8. Hmmmm.. Better get him some toy guns to play.. Hahaha..
    Yeah , your girl is changing and you may have to teach her more stuffs.

  9. I agree, toddler speaks and learns faster if they have elder siblings at home. I feel that Toby is learning to 'talk' already, haha!

    Geram with your son, so chubby!! :p

  10. Enjoy your parenting period. It's challenging but worthwhile.

  11. Oh, that is the first time I hear of this remedy for BO. Glad that it works.

    Keep it up Jay. Keep up the good work.

    Jamie is so cute. He will make a beautiful girl if you dress him as one :D

  12. Haha.. Jay has a good sense of humour. Jamie's just too cute for words. :D
