Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Interesting at home

Busy as ever. It is busy, but it is a blessing that I am happy to receive!

Jay was suddenly down with fever last night and woke up middle of the night vomitting on his bed. This morning I brought him to see doctor and thankfully it was nothing serious. Doctor diagnosed him with wind in his stomach and maybe the cause of everything. So he "ponteng sekolah" (skip school)

Over the weekend I bought these 2 new herbs home. Purple basil and celery leaf. My old basil plants are old and do not grow well lately. The baby basils also do not strive well but surviving. So I thought I bought new herbs to try out. Actually to motivate me. *wink*

Trying to keep the house in order but the little monster (spells "J-A-M-I-E) makes my work harder. He loves leaving his toys everywhere.

As my initial plan was to put my little monster in kindergarden but that would be on hold this year. Both grandparents and dad thought he was too young to go to one. So I am trying to make his time at home more interesting by home-schooling him. 

Wish me luck!! 

Btw, he can recognise some of the alphabets and show more interest in learning lately. That is something there. *wink wink*


  1. Rose, I am also thinking of getting new herbs since my existing ones are struggling to stay alive in this hot weather. Maybe I will wait till the weather is cooler. I think Jamie will do well with home schooling under your tutoring. Be patient...hahaha....wish you the best!

  2. I have a friend who homeschool her kids

  3. I am also home schooling my boy, let us add oil!! ;)

  4. Good luck! I guess there are pro and con in home schooling. MY girl attended kindergarten when she was 2+ and barely can talk. But she learns fast since joining the school including going to toilet , without diapers. She also got a headstart in education. I didn't regret sending her to kindy at such an early age. :)

  5. Very good decision on your part to home school him! All the best in growing your herb garden!

  6. Enjoy having your little one at home for a while, no need to send so early. 5 years old, two years, enter primary one at 7 - that should be the case. Many, no choice, work - dump the kids with babysitters or nurseries. That is why we see negative repercussions all around, lack of parental tender loving care.

    School holidays coming up. What plans? Go and spend the week with the papa?

  7. Yup, the weather is warm, so kids get sick easily.. Homeschool is good, but parents must have the time and effort and materials, you can do it :)

  8. My better half has started growing herbs too!

    One days I saw mint in the toilet, where we brush our teeth. Haha. It looks nice but I'm just afraid I'll get my toothpaste or hand soap into the bottle and then the mint will die.

  9. Wish Jay is in speedy recovery. Growing herbs ya, sounds easy.

  10. So nice to be a SAHM, can get the house organise and care for the little one at the same time. I would like to have some herb plants as well, learn to use them in my cooking. Get well soon to your little boy.

  11. Jiayoh on the herbs. mine 50% hidup only

  12. Alamak that last picture is SO CUTE! Ayden is still at home with me too. I am afraid to send him to school then he will come home with all the sickness and whatever whatever so I thought better keep him for at least another year.

    Get well soon Jay.


  14. I say (as you wish) "Good luck" :)

  15. Get well soon lil J. Such a good boy doing his homework.

  16. Aah...what a nice looking plant. You're really tempting me to get to the nursery! :D
