Monday, August 24, 2015


I am turning 38 today! Birthday seems not so important to me anymore. Ever since I became a mum, my birthdays have been spent mostly with my family. We would go somewhere nice for dinner or hubby tried to burn down the kitchen impressed me with his cooking skill. Lol.

I have tried to stop counting my ages for few years now but I got to admit that I am growing some grey hair and wrinkles lately. Not forgetting weight issue too. We could not stop ageing, right? And I am having trouble to shed some kg off the scale. But there is something I could try to stop.

Stop worrying and thinking too much. Just follow the flow and things will turn out into something positive or along that line. 

Yes, I know. Hard not to worry and think about life. Who does not? Do I feel wiser? I hope so. ^^

But for now I am going to post a nice shot of myself at the age of 38 (gosh! I am going to be 40 soon!) here, so in few years time, I can look back at this post and laugh at my own photo and post.

Thanks my dearest sis for these lovely purses. I love their colours!

So a big happy birthday to me. I am happy to have my family with me. And happy and blessed when my kids woke up this morning and came into my room to hug, kiss and wish me "Happy birthday, mum." Sigh! What a day. That is the best present ever!!


  1. You look so young!!! Happy Birthday dearie.. Talking about grey hair, I started having grey hairs at the age of 20..

  2. Happy birthday Rose. You still look young and beautiful.

  3. Happy Birthday, Rose! I stopped counting mine too an extent that my immediate response to any question about how old I am, my answer is always - I'm in my early 40s ..around!!

  4. Happy Birthday dearie!! Age is just a number. ahahaa.

  5. Happy Birthday Rose! Guess what, we're the same age! :D oops.

  6. What??? 38 only? Aiyor!!!!! You are so so so young! I feel so old - and yes, I am. I think I'm older than your father. Hehehehehe!!!!

    Happy birthday! Two more years to the Big 4-0! What expensive present did your hubby buy you? Wink! Wink!!!

  7. Happy birthday Rose. You still looks great!

  8. Happy birthday Rose! It's a good age to be

  9. Happy birthday Rose! It's a good age to be

  10. Happy birthday Rose!

    Agree with you, we should not worry too much and think too much, must always hope that something good and positive will happen.

  11. Happy Birthday to you! You are looking grest! Hope you are enjoying the day.

  12. Happy birthday to you, Rose! You are still looking good! At 38 years, you are still very young!

  13. Happy Birthday to you Rose. Looking younger every year :)

  14. Happy Birthday lovely! You still look so young and beautiful

  15. Aging and number do bother me as well
    I just try not to think about it
    but having cute kids to wish you Happy Birthday and a good hug with kiss is a blessing and gift from God
