Thursday, December 18, 2014

Miscellaneous Picture #31: books

A room without books is like a body without a soul. - Marcus Tullius Cicero

Books. They are my companions when I am alone, bored or thirst for more knowledges or imagination. What would I do without them?


  1. Good to see a lot of books around.. I also have a small corner for books on the shelves, but most of them are children books :)

  2. Me too. I love flipping through my books for inspiration :D

  3. Books are wonderful, I especially enjoy non-fiction, animal related books and inspirational and motivational books.

  4. Reading is good, too bad I don't have that habits :p

  5. I am truly agree with the quotes. Can't live without books. They are my drugs. hehe.

  6. We can escape to different worlds and be someone else when we are reading.

  7. agree with your quote
    haha i have many unfinished books to read

  8. I spotted a Jackie Collins novel! :)

    I used to read her stuff too coz my sis and mom had her books and when I ran out of my books, I'll read theirs. I can't say it's to my tastes and as a boy of 12, I can't say I understood everything about love but I did enjoy the erotic bits. Haha.

  9. I learned many things through books

  10. Ooooo...Jackie Collins, Used to love reading here books. Many "interesting" parts. Hehehehehe!!!!
