Sunday, November 16, 2014

Go solo

Tomorrow is a new milestone for me! Hubby is flying to Miri to work, leaving me with the kids in Kuching. For the first time since I become a full time sahm, I am going to be solo parenting my 3 children. No extra help, and hubby will not be around most of the times. 

Solo parenting. Not a new term around parenthood world. Solo parents, are not the same as single parents although both go single-handed without partners. Solo parenting can be overwhelmingly exhausted as no breaks and all parenting and decision lie down to one parent. 

Am I nervous, you ask?  Of course I am. I have never been alone with all 3 children for more than a day. I have nanny to look after the youngest one while once a while my sil helped with the older kids.

Of course I have my parents around but cannot expect them to help most of the times. They stay pretty far from my house.

So I am trying to train my 2 older kids to help to look after the youngest one. Wish me luck on that!


  1. See!!! Sibu better lah! Your SIL is always there! Every place so near, so convenient, nice Good luck in Kuching! :D

  2. Not easy, to take care of 3 kids alone...

    Good luck..

  3. Good luck in the new transition process.. Everything will be fine. You are a supermom!

  4. parenting has lots of challenges..
    you can do it..

  5. wife was doing it for years since I am working and staying in SG during weekdays.

  6. Wow. I know I won't be able to do that. But then again mothers are pretty tough. When the need is there, they'll be able to do it so can you. Jia yu!

  7. Sure you can do it. Beginning is hard but after some time it will be ok

  8. Well if you can manage a day without pulling your hair, I'd say you nailed it! :-) DOnt think too much about it, just let it flow naturally. Supermoms dont know they have it in them until they're left to do all those by themselves. All the best Rose! Happy Monday!

  9. No problem la, I am sure you can do it!

  10. Gosh, I can imagine the stress handling 3 kids at one go! Go for a massage when you get time to relax :D

  11. All the best! Getting the two older ones to help out is a good idea.

  12. You can do it, Rose!!! Good luck but I don't think you'll need it, you're a very capable woman
