Thursday, January 30, 2014

Happy CNY 2014

I would like to wish all my Chinese blogger friends and readers a Happy Chinese New Year!!

Wishing everyone a great health, happiness and better fortune and prosperity in the Year of Horse!!

And as usual, Petronas always come up with meaningful and touching festive video. Below is the full video of the current cny festive greeting campaign. Enjoy. Because I really enjoy and love it.


  1. But I think the video mcm kurang umph.

    Not like last time during Yasmin Ahmad time, she produce great videos.

    Happy Horse year to you!

  2. Happy Lunar New Year to you and your family...

  3. Wishing you and family a happy and prosperous year of the horse!

  4. A Happy & a Prosperous New Year to you and your family!

  5. Happy Chinese New Year to you and your family! May the horse year gallop into your lives bringing with it good health, happiness and prosperity for all of you!
