Sunday, November 10, 2013

Weekend Menu #52: Steamed silky eggs

It is hard to get a silky steamed eggs but the tip is to beat the eggs slowly. Just gentle stir in circular movement and then add in about 100ml water into the beaten 2 eggs. Add salt to taste (about 1tsp). Sieve finely into a bowl before steam under high heat for 15 minutes. 

In a pan, fry some chopped garlics in 2 tbsp oil. Once browned, pour the garlic and oil on top of the steamed egg. You can subs with fried shallots instead.

I am satisfy with the smooth custard but hope to improve further. Will keep practising till I get the consistency and texture that I like.


  1. I like to eat steamed egg very much but I do not sieve the egg mixture.

  2. I love this kinda steamed egg, simply yummy and nutritious!!

  3. My missus cooks this sometimes. My mum did too but she added a little soy sauce so it would be light brown in colour - very nice. When young, I would rather have that than steamed pork.

  4. LOL...usually i cook this once a week. easy. Just taruk into rice cooker and steam with rice

  5. I love eggs whether is is hard boiled, steam or fried, I love them all.
