Saturday, September 21, 2013

Is running low

This milk cow is very low in milk production. Half way through 2nd week and I did not produce much milk. Need to supplement with milk formula. But I still continue to let baby to suck. Everyday I would pump 2 - 3 times. Not a lot but it is better than the previous two where my kids relied on milk formula.
One of the few pumps this week. *wink*

I heard about mothers taking young green papaya soup to boost milk production. But I thought papayas are 'cooling' and cannot be taken during confinement. After consulting my mum and mil, I am not allowed to take papaya soup. Papaya soups should be taken before delivery. 

Instead I am eating white pomfrets and black beans soup which believe to help in milk production. So far, the result is the same. Low production milk cow. Lol.


  1. you can boil herbal soup with the cock. Visit the medical shops and they can advise you.

  2. I heard that some products with fenugreek can increase milk supply. Dunno true or not.

  3. are funny, Rose and a very sweet mom. Enjoyed reading this post. May God bless you with more milk ^.^

  4. What to do? Will have to start your baby on infant formula then, not your fault.

  5. It's actually raw papapya cook in fish with maybe a slice or two of ginger.

  6. I tried green papaya soup, black bean soup, fenugreek tea, red dates tea and so on but my milk at 3 weeks now is still 30ml only per pump. I'm a low cow too so my anak is on alternate formula feed.
