Friday, June 29, 2012

What is best for them?

As parents, we always want the best for our children.  But what is the best for them?

Some parents I know will send their children to every tuitions and classes they can think of, i.e. art, music, calligraphy, Maths.  And some will send them to brain development class, brain stimulation class and many more.  Sometimes I feel those parents are suffocating their own children with so many tuitions and classes. 

Why wasting time and money on something that is not interested your children?  Why not discover their inner interest and talent first then decide on what suit them?  Shouldn't we ask our children what they really want first instead of spending few hundreds on all those classes?

So what is best for our children, you may ask?  I think the answer would be our role as parents to discover the talents and interests of our children and develop them through coaching, tuition and other methods.  Not forcing them on something they don't like and eventually hate it when they grow up.


  1. Yup I personally agreed with you. Right now my 5yo son's homework and his routine school exercises are quite complete...For me, it is still not the best time for him to go extra classes anymore, as I think my son had enough! Com' on he is just 5!

  2. Pull, not push...and always have their best interests at heart.

    Sad that many parents force their dreams and ambitions on their children, They will push and put so much pressure on their kids till they break down... Then, they will have one useless vegetable in their hands to take care of for the rest of his or her life.
