Monday, August 29, 2011

End of the month....already?

Good things always ended fast. I always love the month of August, because my birthday and Baby Jay's birthday fall this month, and not forgetting the school holidays too. No rushing in the morning to send my girl to school and I could bring both kids to breakfast before sending them off to baby sitter. It is kind of great feeling to get up late. *wink*

I do not know about you all, but I am thinking that weekends are no longer that long and Saturdays and Sundays passed so fast before we really can enjoy every seconds of them. Sigh! Wish we have more times to spend, right?

So when there are school holidays or Public Holidays, I am looking forward to them. It means more times with family. I am starting to cook again during the weekend since hubby has been complaining of our "malnourished" kids. Lol! Don't expect me to cook every day but one or two days a week sound good. I also bored of eating outside.

Okay, I am looking forward to indulge in my appetite tomorrow with rendang, ayam masak merah, lemang, satays, curries and Malay delicacies. Will be visiting our good friends' house tomorrow afternoon since I missed out on visiting them last year. I do not really fancy visiting during festive; partly because of kids. Hard to enjoy yourself when you have to run after naughty kids! Lol! So usually one house visiting is good enough for me.

I would like to wish everyone Selamat Hari Raya, Happy Holiday & Happy National Day!! Yahoo!


  1. Happy holiday to you and you family too.

    If you have the time, do drop by Veronica's blog . She is trying to help an Old Folks home for a good cause.


  2. Happy holiday to you and ur family too.

  3. the months whizz by so fast huh? before u know it it's payday already! lol.

    Happy holidays Rose! i look forward to all those food too tomorrow!

  4. Hi Rose!
    Thanks for visiting my blog earlier, glad you enjoyed my gross WW pic! :P

    Happy Holidays to you & family too! :)
