Monday, March 14, 2011

Pamper me

Who could resist facial spa or body massage?? I couldn't. I missed my scheduled facial treatment last Friday. Why? Because of my business. My previous staff resigned so I am left with two new staff. Luckily both came in last week but as both are new, I have no choice but to cancel my appointment and instead look after the shop.

I used to be hardworking in the past when I come to feeding my face. Yes, I mean really feeding my face with all those beauty products from mask, scrub, cleanser to night cream. Now my regime is pretty simple, just cleanser, toner, eye cream and moisturiser. So I have to rely on beauty centre for the additional treatment.

I am currently signed up a 5 courses of facial treatment with Michelle Lazar. Used up the first one and the second supposed to be last week. If you asked me, is it good? Okay-lah. For me, I just want to have some time to relax and de-stress even it is for 2 to 3 hours. And also let my pores breathe well after all those layer of foundation I put on my face. *wink* I feel great after the treatment. Now I can feel my face not that smooth anymore. Sigh!


  1. I dont have any toner at home, coz i'm just to lazy to put it on my face. But I like facial treatment coz i love being lazy :)

  2. long time havent been to facial also...time to make appointment to de-stress

  3. :( no matter how many facials i do i can never get smooth skin again.. i have scars and it will forever be there .. :(

  4. Oooooo... I love facials cause can zzzzzzz
