Monday, November 30, 2009

Shop and exercise

Yes! Got my pay today. Don’t you know how happy am I to see my bank accounts growing again? It may not be a lot since I just worked for a week, but the feeling of receiving the pay is great. *laugh*

Yesterday I bought few pants and blouses in The Spring. I had some Parkson vouchers so do not want to let them go wasted, I spent them all on my wardrobe. Just on my wardrobe I spent nearly RM400. Phew! Luckily I got my ATM with me. Who else, darling hubby…….He did not complained much on the pricing since it has been many
months I went shopping. Lol! Check out our shopping outing with Baby Jay here.

As I was commenting to Didi, I should start going back to aerobic classes. I miss those workouts and sweats. Hopefully I could find some times after work to do some exercises. I remember I only started to go to aerobic class after 1 year I had my little gal. So this time, I must not delay and start earlier.

Since I stopped exercising, I noticed that I get sick easily. For the past 1 year, I lost counts of how many times I catch flu, cough and sore throat. My immune system deteriorates after I stop exercising. I felt tired easily too. So I hope I can do some workout soon.


  1. Worked 1 week, got pay fast.

  2. Wow Rose.

    You must be happy to see money coming into your pockets and it feels good to be able to buy things with your own hard earn money right? Congrats!

  3. Come come join me aerobics / yoga :)

  4. spending is fast but earning seems slow but retail therapy is the most effective way to cheer up, hehehe...

