Thursday, August 6, 2009

36th week and still counting

I went for my usual check up this morning. Just did the normal check up, i.e. urine (no protein detected), weight (62.5kg)and blood pressure (normal). Doctor also did the normal heart beat checking on baby. Except for the lower abdomen pain I have last week, which doctor assure me it is normal probably due to baby's head moving downward, everything is fine with me.

Doctor will do scanning on baby next Thursday to determine the weight of baby upon delivery. So, now I am on a weekly check-up......


  1. Rose, good to hear that all ok and you are in great health with the baby. Wow 62.5kg... u must be heavy. Did the doctor check yr breasts? whether it has start milk production? Are your nipples sensitive now?

  2. Wahhh, dont forget to take photos ya .. of the soon to be born

  3. Oh take care mommy! Dont forget to blog about your delivery in that delivery room itself kay? Muahahahha.. Tell us 'live'
