Friday, August 22, 2008

Good result from the clinic

My new manager called me up this morning, telling me that she has received the report from clinic on my body check-up. I have done the urine, blood, chest x-ray, eye, and ECG. I need to go to the clinic twice as on Saturday the doctor was not in. I went back on Monday morning for the ECG. Everything is fine, so I guess I passed their pre-selection test!! It means that I am fit for the job.

Whether I passed or failed, they are still employing me, the test is just a part of the staff requirement. If the result is really bad, then they will refer you to a more suitable vacation (should be "vacancy"! LOL! Thanks Jen for pointing out the typo mistake) instead.


  1. Well, good to hear that the results are ok, Rose :D Have a great weekend ...

  2. Hi,
    Refer you to a more suitable VACATION?

    Have a great wkend dear :)

  3. Oops Jen! typo mistake!! Vacancy... ;p

  4. Awesome..!! congrats..!! i hate these pre-screen thingie. In canada hor.. cannot do that.. coz' will kenna sue for discrimination wor.. hahha!
