Saturday, April 12, 2008

A treat @ Ipanema

A colleague, YL is leaving us early next week, so a farewell party was organized for her last night.

We decided to try out Ipanema since it is a stone throw away from our walk place. Yet each of us drove our own cars over in case we stay late and not safe to walk back to our basement carpark to retrieve our cars.

Ipanema is a drinking lounge, exactly next to Soho, another favourite drinking place around Kuching. I don’t usually drink when I drive, for safety reason. I don’t trust myself! *wink*

We reached there around 6pm, highly a great time for some drink. 2 tables were filled up. Wow! Those people were sure early. There were 9 of us, including big boss and wife. Work is work, boss been boss, but after office hours, we can talk from family to other interests.

There was supposed to be some nibbles, but end up, we all so full from the food! All fried stuff, you name it, we had it! Fried calamari, fried chicken wing, fried lamb cutlets, baked mussel in cheese and tortilla! I think we all need to take exercise seriously after eating all those sinful stuff.

As for YL, she will persuade her dream of becoming lady boss herself. She only joined us for 3 years, a very short time, but we have a good working relationship. She is a very intelligent and out-spoken young lady. Wishing her all the best in her future undertaking!


  1. a tag for u at

  2. Lovely mummy and Pearly, Okay i shall check both of your tags!! Thanks for thinking of me. ;p
