Thursday, April 3, 2008

A blogger country?

I read in today article (The Star, Thursday 3 April 2008, page N49) stated that Malaysia has over 500,000 active bloggers, ranking the country among the highest in the world after Indonesia and European Union. It also mentioned that how powerful blogs are in influencing the mindset of people, especially in politics. Does the big lose of BN in the recent election has anything to do with blogs? How blogs play big role in this case? Rather interesting right?

So, my friends, we are part of the big bloggers community here! And how powerful tool we have in influencing the life of our people. *wink* Cheers to blogging world!


  1. Plus in malaysia.. the promo for blogging is huge too.. like gatherings and stuff. Really like the comrade feeling.. ;)

  2. Did u notice that there is alot of news abt bloggers in the msian newspaper recently? Wonder someone trying to suck up to us bloggers! haha...

  3. That´s unbelieveable..Malaysia is to TOP? Wow...boleh tahan lah.

    Thanks for sharing Rose..if you didn´t blog about it I wouldn´t know haha..

  4. WOW!!! 500,000 active bloggers? that's A LOT!

  5. So guys, we are part of the big blogging family! cheers!
