Monday, January 7, 2008

First tag

Thanks Hye of Space of Reality for been the first person to tag me! Very sweet of you! Her tag is on "What are my goals for this year 2008"! Check her site out!
Ok, let me see, my goals would be more or less the same with hers, they are still the same goals that I have for past few years! *laugh*
Since Hye gave out 5 goals, I thought I should not get overboard with it. Here are my 5 main goals for this year:
1. Stay healthy - by exercising, cook and/or eat healthy diet. Try to cut down on those fatty and fried food, eat more vegetables and fruits. (easy to say than do, with a hubby that love meat very much!) Going to my aerobic classes, and try to get hubby to go for our morning jogging.
2. Seek new career and business opportunities - I am planning for a change in career, hopefully learn new skills and further enhance my career goals. I am also thinking of starting a small business, maybe for time being an online business. Still in midst of planning.
3. Financially secure - maybe not be able to achieve it this year, however it is one of my goals to be debt-free and able to enjoy life to its fullest!
4. Love and appreciate my family more - learn to understand and love my family as day passes by!
5. Going for 2nd honeymoon -plan to go overseas this year, probably Thailand. And maybe project no 2 baby there? LOL
Hmm, alright come to tagging part! Who should I tag to take this assignment? I know some of you may have list down your goals in your blog, but then again, hope you guys dont mind to be tagged to take it up again! *wink*. Too many blogger friends I cant decide who I should hand the tag to! I love to tag you all.
Alright, after much consideration, following are the "lucky" blogger friends that I have decided to take the tag:
Other blogger friends are welcome to join in the tag too, if you feel like it! :)


  1. wah, hehe, u just reminded me again i have tonnes to do for tags... I'll try to do... THANKS!

  2. Rose
    hahaha..thanks for the tag! I completed it already in my blog.

    Shannon, wahh cute gal pic!!

  3. Rose,
    Haha..thank you for the tag. I am a little slow with 'tag' task, still have one from LAST YEAR :-0
    I would try to complete it sometimes soon.

  4. hi rose : thank for the Tag .. will take me time to do it cos I still got few tag to do xxxxxx

  5. hi rose..
    You got an amazing goals.. Wish you a great time ahead and may all your goals and dreams be fulfilled.. take care and have a great time ..;) Be happy..

    My Love Hub

  6. Thanks Dann! Very realistic goals, so I dont think it is difficult to achieve (maybe except the financial part, unless i win 1M lottery!)

    What ever your goals are, wish all the best in achieving them!! That wish goes to other bloggers too! :)
